Smaller, but still not working…
So, by commiting acts of unspeakable hackery, I’ve gotten it small enough to load onto the Arduino: Of course it doesn’t run, but that’s a different hurdle.
So, by commiting acts of unspeakable hackery, I’ve gotten it small enough to load onto the Arduino: Of course it doesn’t run, but that’s a different hurdle.
When gutting the phone, I went to the trouble to preserve the hook and PTT switch infrastructure. I’m still not sure how I’m going to use them, but I figure that it’d be good to know how they work. With the help of my trusty cat Ezra, I carefully stripped the end of all the […]
Part converting the code for use being fed to a TDD is to make it a long stream, rather than a pretty curses(3) based interface. This means that all the trouble the developers spent on making lines wrap cleanly, and providing vertical breaks between elements is lost.
So I started with this phone, but it’s full of phone guts that aren’t going to help the project at all.