Monthly Archives: March 2011

Brains too small, make bigger…

I supposed I should have figured this out earlier, but there just isn’t enough SRAM for the zip interpreter to run the Zork I story file.   It is trying to malloc() approximately 30KB of ram for various data structures, and the poor little Arduino Mega only has 8.   It might be possible to […]

Problems loading sketches into new Arduino Mega

As I said in a previous post, It looks like a standard Arduino just doesn’t have enough memory, so I found an Arduino Mega, which is based on the ATMega 1280 rather than the 328. However, when I got the Mega from MakerBot Industries, it refused to accept any new program uploads.  Every time I […]

New Phone….

While the original phone I bought for this project is uber-cool, the fact remains that it’s not quite period appropriate to the time when Zork was at its peak (1977-1983).   So a little time wandering though the world’s biggest bazaar showed me an alternative.  It came labeled as “No Sound from ringer, works okay” […]

Ears and Mouth have arrived…

The key to making this project work is allowing it to communicate with the old TDD.  To do that, I’ve managed to acquire a couple of TDD modems, specifically designed to talk to TDDs.   The Intellimodem can even do Baudot, which the TDD does (at 45.5 baud[*]). More after the break

Brain dead reverse-engineering

When gutting the phone, I went to the trouble to preserve the hook and PTT switch infrastructure. I’m still not sure how I’m going to use them, but I figure that it’d be good to know how they work. With the help of my trusty cat Ezra, I carefully stripped the end of all the […]

Making the output ugly

Part converting the code for use being fed to a TDD is to make it a long stream, rather than a pretty curses(3) based interface. This means that all the trouble the developers spent on making lines wrap cleanly, and providing vertical breaks between elements is lost.

Grue Brains — the plans

Since my original concept was to power this with an Arduino microcontroller platform, I’ve decided to see if I can power it with an Arduino Pro from Sparkfun. Why Arduino? Why not code to the bare uC?  Arduino has got a nice IDE, which makes development easier, and it’s got lots of pluggable hardware that […]