I was dismayed to hear last Friday about Maker Media ceasing operation. I heard rumors at the last Maker Faire that it would be the last Maker Faire, but I didn’t think the demise was that imminent. The CEO/Publisher of Maker media–Dale Dougherty, is a former boss and acquaintance of mine, and he stopped by my booth as I was setting up for #MFBA19 and chatted with me. We chatted about the gruephones, old times and mutual acquaintances, but I never got the impression that he was worried about the future. Either he’s got a great poker face, or I’m notoriously bad a picking up subtle cues. (Probably the latter.)
I really hope he manages the minor miracle of resurrecting the various maker faires. I would be sad to think that those whirling maelstroms of creativity and madness would cease. I was hoping to show off the phones at the East Bay Mini Maker Faire in October, but that’s probably not going to happen now.