This is a bit last minute, but I’m going to be presenting the phones at the East Bay Mini Maker Faire on Sunday, October 27th (3 days from now). It’s going to be held at the Park Day School in Oakland (California). I mistakenly believed that when when Maker Media folded (since sorta resurrected), that all the Maker Faires would cease as well, but it turns out that all except the Bay Area and New York maker faires were independent (but licensed), and will mostly continue.
I haven’t really done much new with the phones, other than minor code tweaks and additions to the animal database for the “Guess the Animal” game, but I’m hoping that it will be quieter there, and the phones will actually be usable, though I will have my test rig with headphones available so that people can try that if they aren’t.
Hope to see some of you there!