Author Archives: Pneumatic

Maker Faire round up

The Maker Faire was excellent, even if there was a significant hardware failure that took the phone off-line for part of Saturday and all of Sunday. It was too noisy to even attempt to play Zork, so I had prepared the framework so it could run a much simpler game called Moonglow, written by Dave Bernazzani […]

Demo of a short game

This is the first demo of the phone more-of-less complete.  You can see a video over at my facebook page.  Apologies for those who don’t use facebook, but the raw video is too big for wordpress to handle. After the demo, I decided that it was time to tear the phone apart and try interfacing […]

In the phone

So, after a several month hiatus, I’m back at it.  I managed to get all the parts into the phone, though to make room I had to remove the bells from the ringer mechanism, which makes me sad. You’ll notice the USB cord hanging out the back: that’s for charging the on-board 1,100 mAh LiPoly […]

Full handset functional

So it turns out that the transformer wasn’t necessary.  I broke out a pocket oscilloscope, and it boosted the voltage from 1.5V pp, to 7.5V pp, and the resulting volume in the earpiece was VERY LOUD, so I tried without the transformer, and it worked perfectly, and at a much more reasonable volume with the […]

It speaks!

Thanks to an impedance matching transformer from Radio Shack, I can now play audio though the handset. Yay! It still needs to be a little more polished, but the basic concept works.

More choices for TTS engines

Here is a mostly complete list of offline text-to-speech engines I have at my disposal.  I have cleaned up the text somewhat from the last time, so they should be easier to understand.  Let me know what your favorite is in the comments. Espeak is a very robotic, but relatively lightweight engine: Festival is a quirky, […]

Sample TTS output

I’ve got two competing TTS (text-to-speech) engines right now, espeak and festival.  Each will require some tweaking, but here is a very short game fed through each.   Festival:   Espeak:   Let me know what you think in the comments  

GruePhone Lives Again!

Wow, it really has been a while, but improvements in technology have given me an idea of how to improve upon the original Dial-a-Grue phone. The idea is to use a small embedded computer, this time a $9 “chip” computer and actually embed it into a gutted phone.  From there I can use text-to-speech (tts) and […]